Is vertigo a hearing disorder?

Vertigo and hearing loss are frequently linked to each other, as they share a common underlying cause: issues of the inner ear. The inner ear contains both the vestibular system and the auditory system, which closely function together to process both balance and sound information. 

Any damage or disruption to the inner ear can lead to either hearing loss and vertigo – or both.

According to the National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders (NIDCD), inner ear disorders and vestibular nerve disorders can cause hearing loss and/or vertigo.

How can hearing loss contribute to vertigo?

Hearing loss can trigger vertigo as it disrupts essential information that is sent to the brain. When the inner ear encounters problems, it cannot send accurate information to the brain which could significantly affect spatial orientation.

Similarly, vertigo can also affect hearing by triggering tinnitus (ringing in the ears), pressure in the ears, or hearing loss during vertigo attacks. These symptoms can manifest due to changes in the pressure within the inner ear. 

Can you lose hearing from vertigo?

Vertigo attacks vary per individual. Some may experience intermittent and mild vertigo, while some may experience intense dizziness during some episodes of vertigo.

It’s common to experience dizziness or a loss of balance before, during, or after vertigo attacks. In some cases, tinnitus and hearing loss may develop and progress during vertigo episodes.

Can ear damage cause vertigo?

There are some ear disorders that might lead to vertigo. Meniere’s disease is an inner ear problem and is closely linked to vertigo and tinnitus (ringing in the ears). 

Meniere’s disease can cause vertigo and/or hearing loss. In most cases, Meniere’s disease may only affect one ear and could occur at any age. It is most prevalent in patients aged 40-60.

Should I see an audiologist for vertigo?

Yes, you can consult an audiologist for vertigo since the vestibular system is located in the inner ear, which is part of the scope of expertise of an audiologist. If you are experiencing recurrent, prolonged, or sudden dizziness, seeing an audiologist is a good place to start.

Diagnosis and treatment of vertigo

Primarily, the diagnosis of vertigo involves a comprehensive evaluation of an individual’s medical history and symptoms along with a physical examination. The evaluation may include hearing tests, imaging studies, balance testing, and blood tests to rule out any other underlying conditions. In some cases, a referral to a specialist, such as an audiologist, otolaryngologist, or neurologist, may be necessary.

There are many different treatment options available for vertigo, all of which would depend on the severity of symptoms and the underlying cause. Medications, such as anti-nausea drugs and vestibular suppressants can be prescribed to alleviate vertigo symptoms. 

Vestibular rehabilitation therapy (VRT) is also an effective and popular treatment option for vertigo patients. VRT is a type of physical therapy that is designed to retrain the brain to compensate for vestibular dysfunction by doing exercises that reduce symptoms and improve balance.

For individuals with vertigo and hearing loss, addressing the hearing loss has been shown to help alleviate vertigo symptoms. Hearing aids can enhance an individual’s ability to perceive sound and spatial orientation, leading to reduced vertigo symptoms and improved balance. 

It is worth noting that treating vertigo may not completely cure the underlying condition. However, it can help manage symptoms and lessen the negative impact on one’s overall lifestyle and performance. 

It is advised to work closely with your healthcare provider or specialist to determine the best course of treatment for your individual needs.

Audiologists in New Albany, IN

The relationship between vertigo and hearing disorders signifies the importance of a comprehensive evaluation of both systems in individuals experiencing vertigo or hearing problems. With proper diagnosis and treatment, it will be easier to address the symptoms and improve the patient’s quality of life.

Doctors Hearing Care has audiologists who can diagnose hearing disorders and determine if vertigo or some other medical factor is the reason behind your hearing problems.

Contact us today to schedule an appointment!

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Our goal is to evaluate and treat hearing loss focusing on individual needs, so that every person, regardless of age, is given the opportunity to communicate and interact with others to the best of their ability.

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“This wonderful woman has changed my life. Thank you Catherine!! Not only is she the utmost professional and thoroughly knows her craft but she has an understanding and compassion not found in many doctors. I would highly recommend and not go to any other audiologist.”

— Melanie Harris

“Professional! Friendly! Knowledgeable! Dr. Cathy was incredible with my 89 year old Father! I walked in with a good gut feeling, and walked out feeling even better! I would definitely recommend Dr. Cathy, and Doctors Hearing Care!”

— Rick Barstead

Find the freedom of better hearing.

Our goal is to evaluate and treat hearing loss focusing on individual needs, so that every person, regardless of age, is given the opportunity to communicate and interact with others to the best of their ability.